Cost Comparison


Cost Comparison

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Welcome to FinnBUILDER ...
the smart way to build

This is the easiest system of house construction, commercial property construction or industrial property construction. In fact it's the easiest way to build just about anything. It's half the cost of building with brick, double the strength and twice as fast. FinnBUILDER is an innovative alternative building system which is fully accredited and backed by major Banking institutions.



As winner of the All Africa Innovative Housing competition run by the South African Government, the NHBRC and ABSA Bank, FinnBUILDER can claim to be Africa's best building innovation. It is an alternative building system. The system makes use of easy to operate concrete slip forms and 15 MPa reinforced no-slump concrete. This ensures that structures are strong and yet all of this is achieved at surprisingly low cost.



FinnBUILDER is uniquely positioned to assist developers to contain building costs and maintain quality standards. Substantial cost savings are achievable. On a 200 m2 house and boundary walls, a developer will save about R 80 000. On a 300 m2 house, savings of about R 130 000 are being realized.